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css-map reminder page

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Grids / Masonry layouts

                                    <!-- Grid container (row) -->
                                    <div class="columns">
                                        <!-- Grid item (child) -->
                                        <div>Column 1</div>
                                        <!-- Grid item (child) -->
                                        <div>Column 2</div>
                                        <!-- etc... -->
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="columns" Grid container (row) Create a new grid container
class="cc-no-multiligne" Grid container (row) Disabled multiligne display
class="cc-reverse" Grid container (row) Reverse all columns order
Items width & offset
class="cc-{number}" Grid item (child) Set the column width
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
class="cc-{number}-{letter}" Grid item (child) Set the column width on {letter} screen and upper
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-offset-{number}" Grid item (child) Set offset to column
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
class="cc-offset-{number}-{letter}" Grid item (child) Set offset to column on {letter} screen and upper
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
Columns X alignments
class="cc-justify-start" Grid container (row) In a row, all columns are pulled to the left
class="cc-justify-end" Grid container (row) In a row, all columns are pulled to the right
class="cc-justify-center" Grid container (row) In a row, all columns are centered
class="cc-justify-between" Grid container (row) In a row, all columns are evenly distributed in the line (first item is on the start line, last item on the end line)
class="cc-justify-around" Grid container (row) In a row, all columns are evenly distributed in the line with equal space around them
Columns Y alignments
class="columns cc-align-start" Grid container (row) Position all columns to the top of the grid container
class="columns cc-align-end" Grid container (row) Position all columns to the bottom of the grid container
class="columns cc-align-center" Grid container (row) Center all columns on Y axis
class="columns cc-align-baseline" Grid container (row) Position all columns according to the baseline
class="columns cc-align-stretch" Grid container (row) Stretch all columns on Y axis
Targeted item alignment on X axis
class="cc-first" Grid item (child) This column is diplayed first on the X axis
class="cc-first-{letter}" Grid item (child) This column is diplayed first on the X axis for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-last" Grid item (child) This column is diplayed last on the X axis
class="cc-last-{letter}" Grid item (child) This column is diplayed last on the X axis for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-left" Grid item (child) Target column is pulled to the left
class="cc-center" Grid item (child) Target column is centered
class="cc-right" Grid item (child) Target column is pulled to the right
class="cc-w-auto cc-right" Grid item (child) Target column has a "float : right;"-like performance
class="cc-w-auto cc-left" Grid item (child) Target column has a "float : left;"-like performance
Targeted item alignment on Y axis
class="cc-align-self-top" Grid item (child) This targeted column has a top alignment on Y axis
class="cc-align-self-center" Grid item (child) This targeted column is centered verticaly on Y axis
class="cc-align-self-bottom" Grid item (child) This targeted column has a bottom alignment on Y axis
class="cc-align-self-baseline" Grid item (child) This targeted column has a baseline alignment on Y axis
class="cc-align-self-stretch" Grid item (child) This targeted column is stretched on Y axis
Masonry layouts
class="cc-masonry" Grid container (row) Display columns as a verticaly Masonry layout
class="cc-masonry cc-{number}" Grid container (row) Display {number} columns as a verticaly Masonry layout
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
class="cc-masonry cc-{number}-{letter}" Grid container (row) Display {number} columns as a verticaly Masonry layout on {letter} screen and upper
{number} : can be set from 1 to {@cols-total} (default : 12)
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'


                                    <!-- General structure -->
                                    <div class="alert alert-{type}">
                                        ...your alert text...
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="alert alert-{type}" <div> Display an alert box
{type} : can be set to 'primary', 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'success'


                                    <!-- General structure -->
                                    <div class="message message-{type}">
                                        ...your message text...
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="message message-{type}" <div> Display a message box
{type} : can be set to 'primary', 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'success'


                                    <span class="badge">...</span>
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-bg-{color}" <span> Display badge with a specific background-color
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework


                                    <!-- General structure -->
                                    <ul class="tabs">
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="tabs" <ul> Display a default tabs container
Tabs global styles
class="cc-underlined" <ul> Display an underlined tabs container
class="cc-thin" <ul> Display a thin (narrow) tabs container
class="cc-fat" <ul> Display a fat (large) tabs container
class="cc-bordered" <ul> Display a bordered tabs container
class="cc-{color}" <ul> Change tabs main color
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
Items alignments on X axis
class="cc-align-left" <ul> Align children tabs to the left
class="cc-align-left-{letter}" <ul> Align children tabs to the left for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-align-center" <ul> Center children tabs
class="cc-align-center-{letter}" <ul> Center children tabs for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-align-right" <ul> Align tabs children to the right
class="cc-align-right-{letter}" <ul> Align tabs children to the right for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-align-stretch" <ul> Stretch children tabs on the line
class="cc-align-stretch-{letter}" <ul> Stretch children tabs on the line for {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-last" <li> Pull this target child to the right
Tabs pills
class="cc-pills" <ul> Tabs children are shown as chained pills
class="cc-pills cc-unchained" <ul> Tabs children are shown as unchained pills


View code

class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="modal" <div> Default modal with 50% width
Modals width
class="modal modal-large" <div> Large modal with 80% width
class="modal modal-small" <div> Small modal with 30% width
Disabled overlay
data-disabled-overlay <div> Disabled overlay for closing the modal
Fixed Header & Footer
data-fixed-hf <div> Make the Header and Footer fixed into the modal (need a wrapper around the modal-body element)


Number of dots (only for dots loader),loaders colors, loaders speed can be set into the settings.less file.

Dots loader

                                    <!-- Dots loader structure -->
                                    <div class="cc-loader">
                                        <div class="dot dot-1"></div>
                                        <div class="dot dot-2"></div>
                                        <div class="dot dot-3"></div>
                                        ...as long as {@loader-dots-count} variable (default : 12 dots)...
                                        <div class="dot dot-12"></div>

Spinner loader

                                    <!-- Spinner loader structure -->
                                    <div class="cc-loader">
                                        <div class="spinner"></div>

Caterpillar loader

                                    <!-- Caterpillar loader structure -->
                                    <div class="cc-loader caterpillar">
                                        <div class="chain chain-1"></div>
                                        <div class="chain chain-2"></div>
                                        <div class="chain chain-3"></div>
                                        <div class="chain chain-4"></div>
                                        <div class="chain chain-5"></div>

FontAwesome / Ionicons

                                    <!-- Exemple with FA icon -->
                                    <p class="fa-angle-right">Paragraph with FA icon</p>

                                    <!-- Exemple with IO icon -->
                                    <p class="ion-link">Paragraph with IO icon</p>
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="fa-{icon}" * Display a FontAwesome icon at the start of the element
{icon} : the icon classname
class="ion-{icon}" * Display a Ionicons icon at the start of the element
{icon} : the icon classname

Blocks helpers

                                    <!-- Padding & Margin exemples -->
                                    <p class="cc-pat-20">I have a padding-top of 20px</p>
                                    <p class="cc-pa-20">I have a padding of 20px</p>
                                    <p class="cc-ma">I have a margin of 1em</p>
                                    <p class="cc-mab-20">I have a margin-bottom of 20px</p>

                                    <!-- Visibilities exemples -->
                                    <p class="cc-hidden-l">I'm hidden on large screens and up</p>
                                    <p class="cc-shown-m-only">I'm shown on meduim screens ONLY</p>
                                    <p class="cc-hidden-m-down">I'm hidden on meduim screens and lower</p>
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-block" * Display element as block
class="cc-inline" * Display element as inline-block
* Fixing clear of floated elements
class="cc-centered" * Center element into another element on X axis
Blocks width
class="cc-w-{number}" * Apply a width of {number}%
{number} : From 0 to 100, multiple of 5
class="cc-w-quarter" * Apply a width of 25.00%
class="cc-w-third" * Apply a width of 33.333%
class="cc-w-half" * Apply a width of 50.00%
class="cc-w-twothird" * Apply a width of 66.666%
class="cc-w-threequarter" * Apply a width of 75.00%
Blocks padding & margin
class="cc-pa" * Apply a padding of {@helper-pa} (default : 1em) on the 4 sides
{@helper-pa} value can be changed in the settings.less file
class="cc-pa{letter}" * Apply a padding of {@helper-pa} in the {letter} side
{letter} : can be set to 't' (for "top"), 'r' (for "right"), 'b' (for "bottom") or 'l' (for "left")
class="cc-pa-{number}" * Apply a padding of {number}px on the 4 sides
{number} : From 0 to 50, multiple of 5
class="cc-pa{letter}-{number}" * Apply a {number}px padding to the {letter} side
{number} : From 0 to 50, multiple of 5
{letter} : can be set to 't' (for "top"), 'r' (for "right"), 'b' (for "bottom") or 'l' (for "left")
class="cc-ma" * Apply a margin of {@helper-ma} (default : 1em) on the 4 sides
{@helper-ma} value can be changed in the settings.less file
class="cc-ma{letter}" * Apply a margin of {@helper-ma} in the {letter} side
{letter} : can be set to 't' (for "top"), 'r' (for "right"), 'b' (for "bottom") or 'l' (for "left")
class="cc-ma-{number}" * Apply a margin of {number}px on the 4 sides
{number} : From 0 to 50, multiple of 5
class="cc-ma{letter}-{number}" * Apply a {number}px margin to the {letter} side
{number} : From 0 to 50, multiple of 5
{letter} : can be set to 't' (for "top"), 'r' (for "right"), 'b' (for "bottom") or 'l' (for "left")
Blocks visibility
class="cc-hidden" * Hide element on all devices
class="cc-hidden-{letter}" * Hide element on {letter} screen and upper
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's'
class="cc-hidden-{letter}-only" * Hide element on {letter} screen ONLY
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's', 'xs'
class="cc-hidden-{letter}-down" * Hide element on {letter} screen and lower
{letter} : can be set to 'l', 'm', 's', 'xs'
class="cc-shown-{letter}-only" * Show element on {letter} screen ONLY
{letter} : can be set to 'xl', 'l', 'm', 's', 'xs'
Apply bgcolors
class="cc-bg-{color}" * Apply a {color} background-color to the element
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework

Texts helpers

                                    <!-- Texts alignments -->
                                    <p class="cc-txt-center">Center the text</p>
                                    <p class="cc-txt-right">Aligns the text to the right</p>

                                    <!-- Apply colors -->
                                    <p class="cc-primary">I'm written in primary color</p>
                                    <p class="cc-bg-primary">I have a primary background-color</p>
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
Texts alignments
class="cc-txt-left" * Align text to the left
class="cc-txt-right" * Align text to the right
class="cc-txt-center" * Center the text
class="cc-txt-justify" * Justify the text
Apply colors
class="cc-{color}" * Write text in {color}
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework


                                    <img src="PATH" alt="ALT TEXT" class="cc-bordered" />
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-no-responsive" <img /> Remove responsiveness from an image
class="cc-bordered" <img /> Display image with a thin border
class="cc-shadowed" <img /> Apply smooth shadow behind the image

Buttons / Links

View code

class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="btn" <a> Display HTML link as a button
class="cc-fat" <button>
Inscrease line-height
class="cc-thin" <button>
Descrease line-height
class="cc-bg-{color}" <button>
Colorized button
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
class="cc-outlined" <button>
Outlined button
class="fa-*" <button>
Display a FontAwesome icon on the left
class="ion-*" <button>
Display a Ionicons icon on the left
class="icon-right" <button>
Display icon to the right
Must be combined with class="fa-*" or class="ion-*"
class="cc-disabled" <button>
Display button as disabled
class="cc-loading" <button>
Display loading button


View code

class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-{color}" <form> Change form main color
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
Label + input wrappers
class="form-item" <div> Label + Input wrapper
class="form-item cc-chained" <div> Chained inputs on the row (inputs collapsed)
class="form-item cc-inline" <div> Chained Label + Input wrapper on the row (inputs spaced)
class="form-item error" <div> Display label + input in red (error style)
Radio inputs
class="form-radio" <div> Label + input type radio wrapper
class="form-radio disabled" <div> Display label + input type radio wrapper as disabled
class="form-radio block" <div> Display label + input type radio wrapper as a block
class="form-radio error" <div> Display label + input type radio in red (error style)
Checkbox inputs
class="form-checkbox" <div> Label + input type checkbox wrapper
class="form-checkbox disabled" <div> Display label + input type checkbox wrapper as disabled
class="form-checkbox block" <div> Display label + input type checkbox wrapper as a block
class="form-checkbox error" <div> Display label + input type checkbox in red (error style)
Prefix & Suffix inputs
class="form-ps" <div> Display a prefix and/or suffix before/after the input
Label as blocks
class="block" <label /> Display label above the input (as a block element)


View code

class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
Tables general styles
class="cc-unbordered" <table> Remove all cells borders
class="cc-bordered" <table> Add borders to all cells
class="cc-equal-cols" <table> Display all columns with equal width
class="cc-valign-top" <table> Display all columns with vertical-lign top
class="cc-hovered" <table> Highligh a row when the cursor enter in.
class="cc-{color}" <table> Change the main color of the table
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
class="cc-striped" <table> Display a table with striped rows
class="cc-striped-col" <table> Display a table with striped columns
Specific row style
class="cc-bg-{color}" <tr> Display row with a specific background-color
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
Responsive tables
class="cc-responsive" <table> Render table responsive for small screens < 768px;
class="wrap-table" <div> Wrapper for complex tables. Render table responsive for small screens < 768px;


                                    <!-- General structure -->
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-quoted" <blockquote> Add a "quote" icon
class="cc-{color}" <blockquote> Change blockquote main color
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
class="cc-reverse" <blockquote> Reverse blockquote display


                                    <!-- General structure -->
class apply to element effect
class apply to element effect
class="cc-unstyled" <ul> Remove the default style list
class="cc-horizontal" <ul> Display list horizontaly
class="fa-*" <li> Replace default list style by a FontAwesome icon
class="ion-*" <li> Replace default list style by a Ionicons icon
class="fa-* cc-{color}" <li> Replace default list style by a colorized FontAwesome icon
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework
class="ion-* cc-{color}" <li> Replace default list style by a colorized Ionicons icon
{color} : A color defined in css-map framework

Colors in css-map

By default, css-map has 7 colors you can use. All colors are defined in the settings.less file.
By working with css-map sources files, you can easily add, remove, change colors as you want!
color name color hexa color render
color name color hexa color render
Primary #29b7e1

I have a primary background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-primary"></div>

I'm written in primary color

                                                            <div class="cc-primary"></div>
Green #80ae37

I have a green background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-green"></div>

I'm written in green color

                                                            <div class="cc-green"></div>
Red #c41515

I have a red background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-red"></div>

I'm written in red color

                                                            <div class="cc-red"></div>
Blue #3498db

I have a blue background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-blue"></div>

I'm written in blue color

                                                            <div class="cc-blue"></div>
Purple #8e44ad

I have a purple background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-purple"></div>

I'm written in purple color

                                                            <div class="cc-purple"></div>
Orange #f39c12

I have a orange background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-orange"></div>

I'm written in orange color

                                                            <div class="cc-orange"></div>
Yellow #f1c40f

I have a yellow background-color

                                                            <div class="cc-bg-yellow"></div>

I'm written in yellow color

                                                            <div class="cc-yellow"></div>